Reliable Schedule Metrics: The Next Level of True Schedule Performance
A schedule is aligned when it meets the essential statement and is signed off by the appropriate parties. The essential statement is then expanded upon to offer greater insight into the actual mechanics of the metric. A1, below, is an example of a well thought out, well-defined metric.
Truly Understanding Schedule Metrics
Are you being seduced by meaningless beautiful graphics?
Scheduling metrics are the flavor of the month. But just as we find in Monte Carlo schedule Risk analysis many practitioners engage in the exercise of running schedule metrics without truly understanding the significance or implications of the output. This is understandable, especially since some of the output has no significance, meaning, or value. Or as Shakespeare wrote eons ago…
“it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
For instance, take a look at the Deltek Acumen Fuse Merge Hotspot. What does this metric tell us about our schedule? It highlights activities in the schedule that have a high number of predecessor tasks. Figure one would be an example of a Merge Hotspot.